Our Mission

At 1D.works, we are dedicated to pushing the evolution of the industry by creating innovative technologies and algorithms that enable businesses to be more resourceful and efficient. Our mission is to drive the industry forward by empowering businesses to create more value and make a positive global impact.

Our Vision

As a leading algorithm provider, we pride ourselves on our ability to bring ideas to life and nurture them to success. Our vision is to become a global technology builder and the go-to factory for ideas, where people from all over the world can come together to build technologies that increase humanity's resourcefulness.

Our Values

Our company culture is built upon the following values and principles, which guide our daily decisions and actions:
We challenge the status quo and think outside the box to create innovative solutions for our clients.
We believe in open communication, sharing ideas, discussing failures and decisions, and being straightforward with one another.
We strive to be fair to the environment, ourselves, and the people around us, while creating long-lasting relationships.
We aim to communicate, design, and write in a clear and concise manner to ensure understanding and efficiency.
We are committed to continuous growth and learning, seeking to understand the people and processes around us.
Under-promise and over-deliver:
We exceed expectations by being realistic in our promises and delivering more than expected.
Keep it simple:
We focus on simplicity, elegance, and efficiency in all aspects of our work.
Easy Choices:
We prioritize people, relationships, remote work, and written communication to make decisions simpler and more effective.

Meet Our Core Team:

CEO and Co-Founder
CTO and Co-Founder
AI Project Manager

Contact us

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We're always looking to make partnership with great companies.Whether you`d like to start a project, learn more about what we can do for you, or you have any questions please contact us
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